Saturday, October 24, 2009

Its very good link about ASIAN Inidans

Everyone must see this link,

IQ Comparission between India & China

Your openion on this ?

Indian Sikh serving for US Military

Indian Sikh serving US military...Be proud we are everywhere in the world for peace and service to great humanity

About Sikh in New Jersy

Hello this is what our great indians were, they are very open to speak about they believe in... so Every Indian be open in speaking what is good & respected for you and for every one.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

US Congress hails Gandhi as ‘the man of times and places’

Friends every country is proud to speak about India and its culutre, and its politics and we never let it down...

Mr. Gordon Brown Message on Diwali Celebrations

Friends every country is proud to speak about India and its culutre, we never let it down...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Obama Speech over Diwali Festival Celebrations

Listen what Diwali is from President of United States of America  "Mr. Obama"

President OBAMA - 2009 Diwali Celebrations

Hey Guys,

Cee President Obama on Diwali Celebration

Thank you
